My Experience in a LeanJS Training Course

Horacio Herrera
3 min readNov 4, 2017


a sneak peek of the LeanJS Course Venue :)

The weekend of 14th October I attended the last day of the 4-Weeks Complete React Developer Course by LeanJS. In case you don’t know LeanJS, is a Boutique of excellence that are focused on Javascript, Lean, UX & people. You can see a little more about them in the video below.

In this post I will try to explain a little bit about my experience in this course, and why is a good option for you or your company to speed up your front-end productivity. I only attended the last in-person day of the course which lasts 4 weeks (4 days in-person and the rest via Github/Slack), but I also attend to few other workshops that LeanJS made in the past so I can give you an honest review about them & how they teach.

The Course

One of the Course Classrooms

The Course consist of 4 full-day intense hands-on training focused on building up your knowledge about React & GraphQL. Don’t worry, you don’t need to have previous knowledge about these technologies, LeanJS organizes all the information so you will get a solid foundation where you can do almost every type of application. Few things to point out about the course that might be of your interest:

  • The group was only 8 people, so you can have one-to-one interactions with the instructor quite often. this is something personally I look for in courses.
  • The challenges & the lectures are divided by small chunks, this is handy when dealing with advanced topics, it will help you digest all the content easier.
  • The Instructor have the ability to explain the same topic in many ways, so it doesn’t matter if you get lost somewhere, he’s willing to go back & find a different way to explain it. It proves that the instructor knows very well what he’s talking about, this gives you confidence. kudos Alex!
  • The examples you will work with are mostly real examples to real problems in software design. You will see how to solve this problem & the most important, a process you can replicate to solve future problems you’ll encounter.
  • You’ll love the LeanJS Headquarters, just perfect for the occasion :)

My Experience

I’m a self-taught frontend developer, I’ve taken a lot of courses, online & in-person, & something that I notice about instructors in particular is that there’s good developers & there’s good teachers, but it’s hard to find good developers that are good teachers. This is the key feature I think this training separates from other world-class training.

One thing I think is important for a teacher to have is the ability to empathize with the students, & the ability to balance the difference between students because we all have different backgrounds. This will help all as a group to fulfill the expectations & finish the course satisfied & ready to rock with React & GraphQL.


After-workshop beers 🍻🍻

What I’m trying to say is that this course is a good solution & will definitely help you & your company to master cutting-edge JavaScript in a few days and speed up your front-end productivity. You don’t have to pay more to get a “popular developer” in front of you. You will get the same or even better results with LeanJS.

You can check more about their courses here.



Horacio Herrera

Freelance Designer/Developer. @gquiroga31 husband. Web. Javascript. React. React Native. GraphQL.